Adrienne Young

Her Eyes Were Watching God

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Her Eyes Were Watching God

To prey upon a kind and generous heart

To turn away from and leave a mark

To go too far just to make youself feel better

But you could not steal her song

Her eyes were watching god

Never felt any pain at all

From gravel to gold she walks

She?s not long for this world

She?s not long for this

To plant the smallest seed

That bears the bitterest fruit

To still believe the sweetest truth

Hold up the lie till the sun shines through it

Don?t you let them steal your song

Your eyes are watching god

No need to feel any shame at all

From gravel to gold we walk

You?re not long for this world

You?re not long for this

Moving towards the light

Peace follows the fight

Our eyes are watching god

No need to feel any pain at all

From gravel to gold we walk

We?re not long for this world

We?re not long for this?

Autor(es): Adrienne Young / Carter Wood