
I Dream

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I dream at night
You're here to hold me tight
I float away
And think of yesterday

When you held me close
Never let me go
I've caught to you tonight

When you long for me
Such you've never met
I dream just one more time

And i dream at night
Without you by my side
When i dream i try
To keep you on my mind

'cause no matter where you go
I'd always love you so
As i dream, i dream

I dream at night
You're here to hold me tight
I float away
And think of yesterday

When you held me close
Never let me go
I've caught to you tonight

When you long for me
Such you've never met
I dream just one more time

And i dream at night
Without you by my side
When i dream i try
To keep you on my mind

'cause no matter where you go
I'd always love you so
As i dream, i dream